Twin’s Teething = Trauma😬😴😧

I’m sure at the time it was probably horrific, but I can’t really remember too many long sleepless nights or days spent with a majorly cranky teething Krish. Coming up four years old now, he obviously has all his teeth but we’re still waiting for the twins first tiny pearly whites to poke through and it’s proving emotional already!

It’s currently 2:22 (I actually hate it when I catch the time like that!!). I think I’ve had about an hours sleep. The twins seemed to be beginning to get the hang of their new room and bigger cot these last few days but then signs of teeth eruptions started to show yesterday! Super hard and bumpy gums, generally more cranky and clingy, fussing and upset while eating, chewing frantically at everything and anything, nursing more, shorter naps than usual and waking up a lot in the night! But are these symptoms actually myths along with red cheeks, extra dribbly and loose poos. I found a few really interesting facts while reading up for this blog:-

  • Teeth do not ‘cut’ through but gums actually separate and recede to allow teeth through!
  • Pain is caused by inflammation or infection from bacteria collecting in gums.
  • Read more here.

I’ve also read ideas from mums and even some medical info out there to suggest that identical twins cut their teeth at the same time!! What kind of holy hell would that be?! But actually it seems more likely according to most research that they cut them around the same time because they’re the same age and that teeth generally come in the same order! Anyway babies can “teeth” from three months and some children don’t get their first tooth until around their first birthday! So that’s a pretty big window of opportunity. Here’s a link to a Teething Timeline.

Arjun seems more upset by the physical discomfort of teething when awake, although it’s actually Nayan that isn’t settling to sleep at all tonight. Oh him and Krish!! Krish is struggling to adjust to the fact that he can’t climb into bed with Mummy and the twins or Daddy in the spare room anymore. Tonight he seems to wake up every time I’m nursing one of the twins, meaning I can’t take him back to bed straight away. So he sits at my feet and waits for me to put the baby down. We repeated this bleary-eyed nighttime dance several times tonight as he’s having a hard time getting himself to sleep and wants someone to sit with him until he falls asleep. We’ve indulged this request and now we have a new problem….repeated night waking. It’s all very frustrating for me, as before the twins were born it was always me dealing with Krish at night. I made sure he stayed in his bed and I didn’t placate fussiness with changes in his sleep environment such as, leaving the door slightly open or the landing light on! Unfortunately Daddy handled things differently and now we have a battle on our hands. I don’t blame Raj; tackling an irrational wide awake 3 year old in the early hours of the morning is enough to make any parent give in, to get everyone back to sleep. But here we are nonetheless. I’m obviously aware that this could all be part of Krish’s natural development too. His imagination has exploded over the past few months and he is a sensitive little soul; who has, frustratingly, always been a light sleeper. Hopefully like much else in the early years, this patch of insecure sleeping is just a phase and will pass.

Anyway, I digress….we use teething granules and give cold teething rings for chewing down on to cook angry gums but that’s about it. Cuddles and patience is my teething remedy! While writing this, you’ll all be pleased to know that though the night waking is by no means any better…Arjun has his first tiny milk tooth! It can only get easier from here on in right? Oh hang on we have to get Nayan’s first tooth out of the way too! The joys of twins! Oh and Krish talked to me about a bad dream he had last night. This was a night that I was not very patient with his too-ing and fro-ing. Basically I died by getting squashed under a crate. Had quite a strong dose of Mummy guilt after hearing about this dream. Maybe staying with him until he goes to sleep isn’t so bad in the grand scheme of things! I can do sleep deprived zombie mum pretty convincingly!

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